Speeway Ministerial Association
Bridging gaps between needs and resources in our community
About us
We are an ecumenical group of congregations called to serve Jesus by contributing to the wellbeing of God's creation on the Speedway / West Side area in Indianapolis. Grounded in Matthew 25:31-46, our ministry centers in providing food, clothing, and a radical welcome to our community members.
Distribution of fresh and non-perishable food every first Saturday of the month from 9am to 11am, and every fourth Wednesday of the month 4:30pm to 6:30pm
Proof of ID is not needed.
Free gently used clothes, every first and third Saturday 10am-12pm
(at St. Andrew's).
We also accept donations of clothing articles. Please contact us to arrange drop-off.
English as Second Language
Free classes every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30pm to 8:30pm at John Knox Prebyterian Church
Call and register first
(317) 403-5349
Some of our congregations have preschool and/or childcare ministries.
Call and check out the different options!
Joint Worship Services
As part of our commitment to be a communal witness to the Gospel, in addition to working together for the benefit of all God's children in Speedway/West Side of Indianapolis, we also host two joint worship services every year (Good Friday and Thanksgiving), in which we enjoy of an eclectic and integrative worship experience in which all of our faith traditions are represented.
Contact us to find out where are we worshipping this year on either of those special days.
Contact [email] to get more information.